Bardwell Park Station Upgrade


Project overview

The NSW Government is improving accessibility and safety at Bardwell Park Station.

The Safe Accessible Transport program aims to make public transport safe, inclusive and easy to use for all passengers, especially people with disability, older people, people with prams or luggage and others who may be experiencing mobility problems.

The project is expected to be completed in 2026*

Key benefits

  • A new lift, stairs and concourse connecting Hartill-Law Avenue to the station platform.
  • A new pedestrian crossing on Hartill-Law Avenue to improve passenger safety. 
  • An accessible parking space, an accessible kiss and ride space, additional bike parking and upgrades to the existing bus stops. 
  • Continuous canopy coverage from the station entry to both Boarding Assistance Zones.
  • A new family accessible toilet, and a new unisex ambulant toilet, hearing loops, platform regrading and tactile indicators. 
  • Safety and security at the station and surrounding precinct will be enhanced through improved lighting, CCTV and wayfinding signage. 
  • Placemaking enhancements that considers the war memorial and Connecting to Country. 
In progress

*Estimated project completion time, subject to change.

Project status

Planning is underway for an upgrade at Bardwell Park Station. 

Transport has developed a concept design for Bardwell Park Station, and community and stakeholder feedback was invited from 28 April - 27 May 2024. The early engagement period has now concluded.

Common themes raised through feedback included:

  • overall support for the project and improving accessibility at Bardwell Park Station.
  • suggestions to adjust arrangements on Hartill-Law Avenue to improve bus and vehicle thoroughfare.
  • preference to remove crossing.
  • requests to retain timed parking where possible.
  • requests to provide additional kiss and ride spaces during peak times.
  • support for bicycle storage. 
  • support for additional canopy coverage on the station platform and suggestion for additional seating.
  • suggestion to provide additional accessible station entry point from the RSL commuter car park and/or the Slade Road car park.

The project’s Review of Environmental Factors will be available for community feedback in later this year and the community will once again be invited to have their say. 

What we have done so far

Before preparing the concept design for Bardwell Park Station, we engaged with various groups including people with disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and women and girls from the local community. 

These engagements have included Safer Cities Program workshops to understand women and girls perceptions of safety, and collaborative Connecting with Country events to understand the unique and enduring relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their ancestral lands, waters and natural resources. 

Transport will be engaging with Bayside Council and continue discussions with stakeholders to seek feedback on the proposed concept design and precinct improvements. 

Community notifications and FAQs

Keep in touch

If you would like to receive project updates, please fill out our online form or contact us on 1800 684 490 or email

Station Information 

Please visit the Bardwell Park Station webpage for more information on current station facilities and transport services.


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